If you've been looking for a way to generate a much higher income online, take a look around, and you can be sure that most successful entrepreneurs own at least one membership site. The reason for this is that 'information' in many niches is in high demand by newbies and experienced marketers alike. The best part is that when utilising a membership site to drip-feed this information to members, you can quickly generate a recurring monthly income on autopilot.
Taking the undeniable popularity of membership sites, and the outstanding income that can be easily generated into consideration, we're proud to release our fully functional, customisable membership script to the public.
We've designed our script with the layman in mind... That means you don't need to be a technical wizard to take advantage of this kind of script. The control panel is easy to customise and administer. Once you've setup your membership site, you can be promoting it and earning an income in no time at all!
Our membership script takes the worry and hassle out of communicating with your members. Once the script is installed on your web site -- YOU are instantly in a position of complete control.
There's no doubt that your business will gain enormous benefit when you host your own membership site, because:
As you can see, there are some extra features that you won't normally find in a regular, run-of-the-mill membership script. That and the super user-friendly interface makes our script a winner that users of any experience level will find easy-to-use.
The administration level is detailed and easy-to-setup and navigate. It includes:
The design of any HTML pages, including interfaces, must be changed and/or modified by yourself.
Look nowhere beyond YFW Hosting to secure your website and benefit from first-rate hosting services.