Million Pixel Script
Million Dollar Pixel Script - you can do what you want with this. Allows BOTH Free and Paid options to create a great link system. You have full master resale rights.
- Unix/Linux Server
- PHP 4.0 or higher
- Mysql Database Support
- Ioncube Loader
- GD Library
- cURL
Terms & Conditions
- You will have full master resale rights.
Script Features:
- Multi language efficent script!
- Premium and free zone
- Definable grid sizes!
- Activation and deletion through email
- The user is able to choose the pixels on-the-fly
- The user is able to upload it's own pictures
- URL Tracking on/off
- Tell a friend feature
- Feedback form
- Online Admin-Mail-Editor
- Grid background image changeable
- And more....
Script with
Master Resale Rights
Only $97
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