Look At The Added Benefits Our Customers Receive Absolutely FREE When They Install Our Scripts On Their Website...
Just By Displaying The 'Powered By YourFreeWorld' Link In Your Footer -- Which Is Connected To Your Affiliate Link -- You Can Also Reap These Rewards!
From the desk of Rohit Seth - CEO, YourFreeWorld.com
While thinking of ways to illustrate how our scripts work in the real world - apart from a simple demo., I decided to create a directory that showcases our customer's websites with our scripts in action. The purpose of this directory is:
- To show prospective customers just how many of our existing customers come back and buy more scripts time and time again.
- To illustrate how flexible our scripts are in different applications and/or bundled together in the same program.
- To give our customers something back for their loyalty, much like a rewards program.
When you purchase and install a script from YourFreeWorld, it comes with a built-in 'Powered By' link in the footer that you can setup to hyperlink to your affiliate account to earn commissions. If you leave that link in place where it is, and let us know, you will receive the following benefits:
- An active back link to your website from this Directory, which increases your website popularity and page ranking.
- A link to this Directory is included on all the script sales pages, thereby further increasing your exposure.
- A bonus 6-Step SEO Guide showing you how to take advantage of the benefits of smart Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) methods.
Whether you're a prospective customer or an existing customer of YourFreeWorld, please take a moment to check out some of our client's websites with our scripts installed. We can tell you from client feedback that most if not all of these programs have increased revenue with the help of our scripts.